

Pegasus Scheme

Pegasus is a scheme for people who may have difficulty in communicating their details when making contact with the emergency services.

Register online: www.bedfordshire.police.uk/Pegasus

Email: autism.champions@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk

Carers in Bedfordshire

Carers in Bedfordshire is a not-for-profit registered charity providing support for carers of family members and friends throughout Bedfordshire.

Telephone: 03001 111919

Website: www.carersinbeds.org.uk

Child Development Centre

The Child Development Centre provides services to children with development needs and disabilities.

Website: earlyhelp.bedford.gov.uk/details

Email: enquiries@thechilddevelopmentcentre.com

Research Autism

Articles which cover every day life challenges people deal with who have autism.

Website: researchautism.net

Email: info@researchautism.net

Austim Bedfordshire

A national organisation with information, guidance, training and services for helping patients in regards to everything related to Autism.

Website: www.autismbedfordshire.net

Email: enquiries@autismbeds.org


Helping and working with children with brain conditions (inc autism) and their families.

Website: w3.cerebra.org.uk

National Autistic Society

A society that helps patients with Autism.

Website: www.autism.org.uk

SOBS: Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide

Our aim is to provide peer support to adults bereaved by suicide in a timely open- ended manner. Our vision is that no one bereaved by suicide has to face their loss alone.

Telephone: 07395 024012

Email: bedford@uksobs.org

Bedford Hospital

Provides support and information to families

of the deceased.

Telephone: 01234 792163 or 01234 355122 X4621

Website: www.bedfordhospital.nhs.uk

The Compassionate Friends

Supporting bereaved parents and their families after the death of their son or

daughter, at any age and from any cause.

Helpline: 08451 232304

Telephone: 01767 689781

Website: www.tcf.org.uk

The Luton & Dunstable Hospital

Provide support and information to families of the deceased including those affected by issues surrounding post mortem procedures.

Telephone: Margaret Malcolm Bereavement Support Officer 08451 270127

Telephone: Chaplaincy 01582 497370


Offers counselling to individuals, couples, families and young people who are experiencing the impact of change, loss and bereavement.

Telephone: 01234 356350


If you are in emotional distress, despairing or feeling suicidal, talking can make all the


Telephone: Bedford 01234 211211

Telephone: Luton 01582 720666

Telephone: UK 08457 909090

Email: jo@samaritans.org

Website: www.samaritans.org

Sue Ryder Bereavement Service

This service offers bereavement support to families and friends following a death at St John’s Hospice or in the community following a terminal illness.

Telephone: 01767 642429

WAY Foundation (Widowed and Young)

A national charity offering a social and support network for men and women who lost their partner when aged 50 or under.

Website: www.widowedandyoung.org.uk

Bedford Bereavement Services

Offering support to all bereaved people during our group meetings held monthly at

Norse Rd Crematorium.

Telephone Cathy Appleby: 01234 718150

Email: catherine.appleby@bedford.gov.uk

Website: www.bedford.gov.uk

CHUMS – Child Bereavement Service

Chums was created to meet the needs of children, young people and their families following the death of someone close.

Telephone: 01525 863924

Website: www.chums.uk.com

Cruse Bereavement Care

CRUSE runs bereavement support groups for adults, whether recently bereaved or many years past. Please contact Bedfordshire CRUSE to self refer for this support.

Telephone: 03002 004108

Email: support@crusebedfordshire.org.uk


Keech Hospice Care

The Bereavement Service offers support to the families and friends of those referred to Keech Hospice Care, representing both the Adult Hospice and Children’s Hospice.

Telephone: 01582 492339

Road Victims Trust

A support service for anyone bereaved or otherwise affected by a road collision.

Covering Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.

Telephone: 01234 843345

Email: enquiries@rvtrust.co.uk

Website: www.rvtrust.org.uk


We offer support to those whose baby has died through late miscarriage, stillbirth or neo-natal death.

Telephone: 07900 106543

Website: www.uk-sands.org

Victim Support

This group offers a service to those bereaved by homicide or to others who have been affected by the crime.

Telephone: 08453 030900

Website: www.victimsupport.org.uk

Way Up

A national charity offering a social and support network for men and women who lost their partner when aged 51 or over.

Website: www.way-up.co.uk

Cancer Research UK – Coronavirus Information

Cancer research UK has put together a page with lots of information to help patients with Cancer handle the Coronavirus pandemic.

Website: www.cancerresearchuk.org/coronavirus

Beds Prostate Cancer Support Group

A local Prostate Cancer support group meets at Bedford Borough Bowling Club, Goldington Road.

Telephone: Steve, 01234 960414 or Brian, 01234 767256

Email: sw.pearce@sky.com

Website: prostatecanceruk.org/beds-prostate

Bosum Pals

Bosum Pals is a self help and support group for anyone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Website: www.bosum-pals.org.uk

MacMillan Cancer Support

Provides practical, medical and financial support for people with cancer. Their website has information on a range of topics including living with cancer, support for carers, and facing the end of life. Many of their leaflets can be downloaded.

Telephone: 08088 080000

Website: www.macmillan.org.uk

Marie Curie

Giving care and support through terminal illness.

Website: www.mariecurie.org.uk

The Swallows

“The Swallows” is a Head and Neck Cancer Support Group for patients and their carers, in mid and north Bedfordshire.

Telephone: 07779 169833 or 24/7 support line 07504 725059

Email: info@theswallows.org.uk

Website: www.theswallows.org.uk

Bedford Daycare Hospice

Bedford Daycare Hospice provides holistic care for adults suffering with a life limiting illness who are registered with a Bedford Borough or Central Bedfordshire GP. Cancer and non-cancer patients alike are cared for in a calm, homely environment from the point of diagnosis, through investigations and treatment to remission or palliative care. The ‘whole person’ is cared for; mind, body and spirit. Away from the clinical environment the patient can just be themselves in a safe place where the focus is on living.

Telephone: 01234 352015

Website: www.bedforddaycarehospice.org.uk

Contact: linda.byer@bdc-hospice.org.uk

PEPS / Palliative Care Hub

The palliative care hub is a palliative care coordination and support service run by Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice in Bedfordshire.

Telephone: 01767 641349

Website: www.sueryder.org

Cancer Research UK

A charity which supports and helps those with Cancer within the UK.

Website: www.cancerresearchuk.org

Myeloma UK

Myeloma UK provides information and support to help you cope with everything a diagnosis of myeloma brings.

The charity’s broad range of services covers all aspects of living with myeloma and includes online and printed information publications, a help and support line, patient and family events, and support groups.

Telephone: 0800 980 3332

Website: www.myeloma.org.uk

Email: askthenurse@myeloma.org.uk

Carers UK

They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.

Telephone: 02073 784999

Website: www.carersuk.org

Carers in Bedfordshire

Carers in Bedfordshire is a not-for-profit registered charity providing support for carers of family members and friends throughout Bedfordshire.

Telephone: 03001 111919

Website: www.carersinbeds.org.uk

Info: https://www.carersinbeds.org.uk/carers-guide

Bedfordshire Carers Guide

A guide for Bedfordshire residents, packed with details of local organisations and services that can help those who care for someone who can’t manage without them because of a disability, condition or long-term illness.

For more information

Carer’s Emergency Card

The Central Bedfordshire Carer’s Emergency Card enables you to record what you would like to happen in case of an emergency. The small card can easily be stored in your purse or wallet. If an emergency arises, the card will alert people that you are a carer and will know who to contact to make sure the cared for person is safe.

Telephone: 03003 008036

Website: www.centralbedfordshiremcard.gov.uk

Child and Adolescent Emotional Wellbeing sessions: Low mood, self-harm and suicide

This is a programme for parents and carers to get advice and strategies to support children and young people with their emotional wellbeing

Two sessions are available as follows:

Wednesday 13th January 2021, 10:00 – 11:30. Register for this morning session: Low Mood, Self-Harm & Suicide AM

Wednesday 27th January 2021, 18:00-19:30. Register for this evening session: Low Mood, Self-Harm & Suicide PM

Bedford Twins Club – All Multiples Welcome

Regular meetings and a support network across Bedford.

Website: www.bedfordtwinsclub.co.uk

Email: bedfordtwinclub@gmail.com


Child Bereavement, Trauma and Emotional Wellbeing Service offering support to children, young people and their parents or carers.

Telephone: 01525 863924

Email: info@chums.uk.com

Website: www.chums.uk.com

Families First Bedfordshire

Families have always come first and are at the heart of the organisation. Over the years the charity has helped families in the local Bedfordshire area, to build on their individual strengths and empower parents/carers to develop stronger family relationships. Families First Bedfordshire’s mission is to provide an empowering, community focused service which enables families to thrive. They have a number of projects and services to support us in achieving our mission.

Telephone: 01234 341977

Email: admin@gfc.gb.com

Website: www.familiesfirstbedfordshire.com

Childhood illness visual guide

Use this visual guide to help you identify common conditions and illnesses that may affect your child. Includes conditions such as measles, slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and warts.

Website: NHS: Visual Guide for Childhood illnesses

Child and Adolescent Emotional Wellbeing sessions: Eating Disorders

This programme is for parents and carers to get advice and strategies to support Children & Young People with their emotional wellbeing.

Two sessions are available as follows:

Wednesday 10th February 2021, 10:00 – 11:30. To register for the morning session please go here Eating Disorders AM.

Wednesday 24th February 2021, 18:00 – 19:30. To register for the evening session please go here: Eating Disorders PM.

Bedfordshire Children’s Centres

A list of the children’s centres in Bedfordshire; the centres are places where parents with young children can share the challenges and joys of parenthood. They offer a range of activities and support services to help you with all aspects of parenting to make sure your child gets the best start in life.

Telephone: 01234 341977

Email: admin@gfc.gb.com

Website: www.goldingtonchildrenscentre.org

Early Childhood Partnership

The ECP offers a full range of FREE services to expectant parents/carers and families with children up to the age of 5. Children Centres are a place where lots of different things happen under one roof. For more information on the services provided by the ECP, you can visit our dedicated website.

Website: ecpbedford.org

Vaccination planner

Download a personalised vaccination calendar, which highlights the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by.

Download from: NHS: Vaccination Schedule

Bedford & District Cerebral Palsy Society

BDCPS is a small local charity which provides playschemes and youth clubs for disabled young people (aged 0 to 25) in addition to critical support and funding to families, parents and carers.

Telephone: 01234 351759

Email: cp.enquiries@bdcps.org.uk

Website: www.bdcps.org.uk

Embroiderer’s Guild

The Bedford branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild is open to everyone, including beginners, interested in textile art. The group meets for talks and workshops on traditional and modern subjects.

Email: ruth.pooley@btinternet.com

Website: virtual-library.culturalservices.net

Bedford Women’s Centre

Supports women in the community to improve the quality of life for them and their families. Offers one to one support and mentoring, weekly workshops, training courses (both accredited and non-accredited) and support groups for women to promote healthy relationships and eradicate Domestic Abuse.

Telephone: 01234 316801

Website: bedfordwomenscentre.org.uk

Citizens Advice Bedford

Citizens Advice Bedford (CAB) is an independent charitable organisation that helps people resolve their problems by providing information and advice. The service is open to anyone: it is free, independent, confidential and impartial. CAB exists to help those who live or work in the Borough of Bedford.

Telephone: 01234 867944 (Mon – Thurs, 10am – 1pm)

Website: www.bedfordcab.org.uk

British Red Cross

Bedford Independent Living Service, supporting Independence. Please see here for a self referral form.

Bedford Foodbank

Provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of food-banks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Telephone: 01234 268569

Email: info@bedford.foodbank.org.uk

Website: bedford.foodbank.org.uk


The support at CAFPH is not only directed to the person living with HIV but to carers and family members who support the services users. The support they offer is structured to suit the whole family.

Telephone: 01582 726061 or 01582 726063

Email: info@cafph.org

Website: cafph.org

The Prebend Day Centre

Bedford Concern for the Homeless and Rootless (BeCHaR) has been running The Prebend Day Centre since 1993. They take a holistic approach to helping individuals take the next step towards reintegration into the local community. This is achieved through our drop-in centre and support team, which is available to vulnerable men and women (individuals in crisis) aged 16 and over.

Telephone: 01234 365955

Website: www.prebendcentre.org.uk

Bedford Diabetes UK

The Diabetes UK Bedford group is one of over 350 voluntary groups situated throughout the UK. Our aim is to provide support and educate people living with diabetes, as well as their family, friends and anyone else who is interested in knowing more about diabetes. We encourage those interested to attend our group meetings which are a welcoming and social environment for people to discuss diabetes and its effects.

Telephone: 03451 232399 

Website: www.bedford.diabetesukgroup

Email: info@diabetes.org.uk

Diabetes UK

The World Health Organization estimate that over 382 million people worldwide, including 4.05 million in the UK have diabetes, a metabolic disorder affecting blood sugar levels. Diabetes.co.uk is your resource for information on type 1 and type 2 diabetes, diabetes symptoms and diabetes treatments.

Diabetes.co.uk is a community of people with diabetes, family members, friends, supporters and carers, offering their own support and first hand knowledge.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Diabetes.co.uk

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Diabetescouk

Website: www.diabetes.co.uk

Bedfordshire Diabetes

Written and maintained by Bedfordshire’s leading Diabetes Service Specialists, this website is designed to be a comprehensive source of information and advice on diabetes for Bedfordshire. With information presented in the form of guidelines, the site aims to pull together and deliver user-friendly advice and guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Where considered appropriate it draws upon the latest thinking and developments in the field of diabetes.

Telephone: 01234 355122

Website: www.bedfordshirediabetes.org.uk

Diabetes – NHS

Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person’s blood sugar level to become too high. The NHS website provides all the information you need to know about diabetes, the cause of diabetes and how to treat it.

Website: www.nhs.uk/conditions/diabetes

Arthur’s Friends

Arthur’s Friends is a fellowship of male domestic abuse and domestic violence survivors. We offer friendship and mentoring alongside practical, local support to male survivors.

Website: www.arthursfriends.org.uk/

The Emerald Centre

The Emerald Centre Sexual Assault Referral Centre offers free support and practical help to anyone in Bedfordshire and Luton who has experienced sexual abuse. The service is completely confidential and you do not have to give any personal information in order to get help.

Telephone: ​01234 897052

Website: www.emeraldcentre.org

Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership

The Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership (BDAP) brings together key agencies across Bedfordshire to raise awareness, to deliver services and to work together to improve our local response to domestic abuse.

Domestic Abuse 24 hour Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Website: www.bedsdv.org.uk

Santosh Asian Women’s Refuge

The Asian Women’s Foundation supports Asian women. The objectives are: to inform, organise advise and involve Asian women in Bedfordshire on the issues which affect them; to provide safe, confidential and supporting service for Asian Women who are victims of domestic violence and mental harassment.

2 Derwent Place, Bedford, MK42 9HY

Telephone: 01234 405916

Website: www.balaknath.org

Path 2 Recovery

Path to Recovery (P2R) is a one stop service which provides advice, treatment and support to adults 18+ whose lives are affected by drug or alcohol use. We are open to residents of Bedford Borough or Central Bedfordshire.

Telephone: 01234 352220

Website: www.elft.nhs.uk

Talk to Frank

If you have a problem with drugs Talk to Frank for friendly, confidential drugs advice.

Telephone: 03001 236600

Text: 82111

Website: www.talktofrank.com

Email: frank@talktofrank.com

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

Telephone: 08009 177650

Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk

Email: help@aamail.org

Cocaine Anonymous UK

Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction.

Local CA group: Thursdays at 7:30pm, 5 Lansdown Road, Bedford, MK40 2BX

Telephone: 03001 112285

Website: www.cauk.org.uk

Email: info@cauk.org.uk


Drinkaware Online Tools & Apps

Online trackers and apps from Drinkaware to help you avoid harm from alcohol.

Download from: www.drinkaware.co.uk

One You Days Off – Mobile App

The One You Days Off app is a simple and easy way to track the days you drink alcohol and the days you don’t.

Download from: Google Play: One You Days Off

Download from: iTunes: One You Days Off


If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s drinking, you can call this free helpline, in complete confidence.

Telephone: 03001 231110


If you’re under 18, support is

available from Aquarius

Telephone: 01234 341977

Website: aquarius.org.uk


Services include a full assessment, a 10 session Eating Behaviour Group, individual sessions, and support groups for both clients and their carers.

Telephone: 01582 457474

Email: admin@caraline.com

Website: www.caraline.com

The Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service

The Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service provide a free home visiting service for people with dementia and their carers to carry out a home assessment for their safety and wellbeing. They review all potential hazards in the home, offer advice and support to reduce risk and can supply and fit fire alarms for free, visit https://www.bedsfire.gov.uk/home-fire-safety-visits for full details of the service.

If you suffer with dementia, have a family member or friend you are concerned about and, with their consent, would like to arrange for a visit, please visit https://www.bedsfire.gov.uk/contact-us to get in touch.

Alzheimer’s UK

The Alzheimer’s Society offers counselling, support, and education for people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias’ and their families.  On the website,  enter your postcode for more detailed information about dementia services and support groups in your area.

Telephone: 03002 221122

Website: www.alzheimers.org.uk

Bedfordshire Memory Navigation Service

Local support for people with memory loss and dementia, and for their carers.

Telephone: 03001 119090

Website: www.memoryinbeds.org.uk

Cinnamon Trust

Cinnamon Trust is a National Charity for elderly and terminally ill people and their pets, where the owner needs help walking their dog

Telephone: 01736 757900

Email: volunteer@cinnamon.org.uk

Website: www.cinnamon.org.uk


Dementia UK offers specialist one-to-one support and expert advice for people living with dementia.

Telephone: 0800 888 6678

Website: www.dementiauk.org

Mature Citizens Action Group

To inform those residents of the Borough aged 50 or over on matters affecting their lives. They hold open meetings every two months on the 3rd Monday of the month, at the Salvation Army Hall in Commercial Road, Bedford. Meetings start at 9.30am. Application for membership to the Secretary.

Telephone: Rachel Kirkham, 01234 314093

Silver Line

Free phone support for older people, 24 hours a day.

Telephone: 08004 708090

Website: www.thesilverline.org.uk

Walking Football

A weekly sociable group for people with dementia (or significant cognitive impairment) and/or their family carers, friends & supporters, to enjoy playing walking football in a supported, understanding setting.

Website: www.tibbsdementia.co.uk/walking-football

Age UK Bedfordshire

Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this.

Telephone: 08001 692081

Website: www.ageuk.org.uk

Bedford Angel Domino Team

Bedford Angel Domino Club is primarily a social group offering senior citizens within the African and Caribbean Community to participate in activities that take them out of living in isolation and become active within the community.

Telephone: 07774 573599

Email: angelsdominoteam@gmail.com

Website: facebook.com/angeldominoteam

Care Choices

Information about finding care and support for adults and elderly relatives.

Telephone: 08003 892077

Website: www.carechoices.co.uk

Dementia Roadmap

The Bedfordshire Dementia Roadmap provides high quality information about the dementia journey alongside local information about services, support groups and care pathways to assist primary care to support people with dementia and cognitive impairment, their families and carers.

Website: dementiaroadmap.info

Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme designed to help locate people with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and memory problems if they go missing. Referrals can be made by anyone (including the individual) via phone or email.

Telephone: 101

Email: dementia@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk 

Oakley Rural Day Centre

They offer elderly clients the opportunity to meet in a warm, friendly atmosphere and participate in a varied activity programme, including exercise, singing, quizzes and crafts, helping to build confidence and self-esteem. Refreshments are provided throughout the day, as well as a hot lunch.

Website: www.bedford.gov.uk/oakley

Email: info@oakleyrural.org.uk

Tibbs Dementia Services

Tibbs Dementia Services is a Community Interest Company dedicated to providing a range of accessible services and activities for people living with dementia and their carers within the local community. They strive to be responsive to the needs and ideas of people with dementia and their carers and actively seek to support people with dementia to have a voice and to be heard.

Telephone: 07795 177948

Email: contact@tibbsdementia.co.uk

Website: www.tibbsdementia.co.uk

Bedford Daycare Hospice

Bedford Daycare Hospice provides holistic care for adults suffering with a life limiting illness who are registered with a Bedford Borough or Central Bedfordshire GP. Cancer and non-cancer patients alike are cared for in a calm, homely environment from the point of diagnosis, through investigations and treatment to remission or palliative care. The ‘whole person’ is cared for; mind, body and spirit. Away from the clinical environment the patient can just be themselves in a safe place where the focus is on living.

Telephone: 01234 352015

Website: www.bedforddaycarehospice.org.uk

Email: linda.byer@bdc-hospice.org.uk


Keech 24 hr Advice Line

Do you care for a child with a life-limiting condition? Keech have a free 24 hours a day, seven days a week helpline which is for parents, carers and health professionals. They provide telephone advice, specialist guidance for professionals and symptom management support.

Helpline: 0800 035 6497

Website: www.keech.org.uk/adviceline

British Red Cross – Support at Home

You can get support and care from the British Red Cross to help you live independently at home or when you return after a stay in hospital.

Website: www.redcross.org.uk

Self Referral: British Red Cross Self Referral Form

Warm Spaces in Bedford Borough

As part of the Warm Spaces provision, Bedford libraries are providing inclusive and welcoming community spaces with free Wi-Fi and a range of activities. The website shows other venues and the opening days and times.

Website: www.bedford.gov.uk/warm-spaces


Better Housing Better Health

Support for reducing bills and obtaining emergency grants for gas and electricity in the home.

Website: https://www.bhbh.org.uk/

Telephone: 0800 107 0044

Local Welfare Provision

Bedford Borough Council may be able to assist with emergency food or fuel provision.

Telephone: 01234 718033

Warm Spaces

Warm spaces will offer free, Non-judgmental spaces where people can go to stay warm and maybe enjoy some company and a hot drink, or simply spend time reading:


Please select the below link to see Warm Spaces and Activities available for Libraries:

Your local library – opening times, facilities and activities, Bedford Borough Council

Please select the below link to see warm spaces at other venues:

Warm Spaces, Bedford Borough Council


If you find yourself at risk of homelessness, you can contact your local authority:

Bedford Borough Council – Housing Options 01234 267422

Lines are open: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 09:00 – 17:00 and Wednesday from 10:00 – 17:00. 

Email: housing.advice@bedford.gov.uk

Emergency out of hours: 01234 267422 / 0123411095


Bedford Foodbank – CLOSED over Christmas and New Year

The last Foodbank distribution sessions before Christmas:

Friday 23rd December (Salvation army – with voucher, and Project229 in Kempston)

Reopening on Wednesday 4th January 2023 at Holy Cross – Collecting Only

The warehouse at: 71 Murdock Road MK41 7PL will be open for donation, from 3rd to 5th January at 10:00am to 16.00pm.

See website for further details of distribution locations and times: bedford.foodbank.org.uk


Priory Methodist Church, Newham Avenue, Bedford, MK41 9QJ

Tel: 01234 307040

CLOSING EARLY: 23th December – 10.30 am – 12:00 pm

26th December – 4rd January – CLOSED

4th January – Reopening Normal hours

Dine with Us – Community Larder – 2B Ashburnham Road, Bedford, MK40 1DS

The best way to keep up to date with the ladder and find out about days and opening time is to follow them on Facebook at:  https://www.facebook.com/DineWithUsOnTheStreetsCherriesLegacy

Mind the Bump

A monthly, women only social group to offer emotional support in a safe environment to address low mood, anxiety and/or depression during pregnancy.  ​

Who can attend:

Any woman living in Bedford who is pregnant and is low in mood, is experiencing or who has experienced depression and/or anxiety.


Pine Cones Children’s Centre, Slade Walk, Bedford, MK41 7SA

Time and Date:

1st Thursday of each month 4-6pm

For more information:

Please contact

Telephone: 07919 305635 – Dawn Jones or 01234 341977 – Children’s Centre Team

Baby Buddy App

Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.

Download from: Google Play: Baby Buddy

Download from: iTunes: Baby Buddy

Bedford Daycare Hospice

Bedford Daycare Hospice provides holistic care for adults suffering with a life limiting illness who are registered with a Bedford Borough or Central Bedfordshire GP. Cancer and non-cancer patients alike are cared for in a calm, homely environment from the point of diagnosis, through investigations and treatment to remission or palliative care. The ‘whole person’ is cared for; mind, body and spirit. Away from the the clinical environment the patient can just be themselves in a safe place where the focus is on living.

Telephone: 01234 352015

Website: www.bedforddaycarehospice.org.uk

Email: linda.byer@bdc-hospice.org.uk

MS Society

Together, we are strong enough to stop MS.

Telephone: 08088 008000

Website: www.mssociety.org.uk

PSP Association

The PSP Association provides practical help & advice for people with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy & Cortico Basal Degeneration.

Telephone: 03000 110122

Website: www.pspassociation.org.uk

Headway UK

Headway is the UK-wide charity that works to improve life after brain injury. Through its network of more than 125 groups and branches across the UK, it provides support, services and information to brain injury survivors, their families and carers, as well as to professionals in the health and legal fields.

Telephone: 08088 002244

Website: www.headway.org.uk

Stroke Association

We are the UK’s leading charity dedicated to conquering stroke.

Telephone: 03033 033100

Email: info@stroke.org.uk

Website: www.stroke.org.uk


Website: www.epilepsysociety.org.uk

Telephone: 01494 601300

Website: www.ataxia.org.uk

Telephone: 08456 440606

Website: www.mstrust.org.uk

Telephone: 08000 323839

Website: www.msatrust.org.uk

Telephone: 03333 234591

Parkinson’s UK

We’re the Parkinson’s charity that drives better care, treatments and quality of life. Together we can bring forward the day when no one fears Parkinson’s.

Telephone: 08088 000303

Website: www.parkinsons.org.uk

Huntington’s Disease Association

We exist to support people affected by HD and to provide information and advice to professionals.

Telephone: 01513 315444

Website: www.hda.org.uk

MS Therapy Centre Beds & Northants

A centre of excellence providing professional specialist therapies and support for people with Multiple Sclerosis in a self-help environment that inspires and empowers.

Telephone: 01234 325781

Website: mscentrebedsandnorthants.com

Motor Neurone Disease Association

The Motor Neurone Disease Association funds and promotes global research into MND and provides support to people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Telephone: 08088 026262

Email: mndconnect@mndassociation.org

Website: www.mndassociation.org

Carers in Beds

Carers in Bedfordshire strive to identify and support all carers of family and friends. We will enhance their health and well-being by offering specialist support according to their needs and wishes.

Telephone: 03001 111919

Email: contact@carersinbeds.org.uk

Website: www.mndassociation.org

Address: Carers in Bedfordshire, Suite K, Sandland Court, Pilgrim Centre, Brickhill Drive, Bedford MK41 7PZ

Helpful Contacts at Diagnosis

If you have been diagnosed with a neurological condition, you can get confidential help and advice from charities as well as from medical services. The charities listed offer helplines staffed by trained advisers who can offer help with medical issues, employment and benefits, health and social care services, and emotional support. They can also tell you about local services.


Reflect is a text messaging service for young people, to text reflect to 85258 to start a free, confidential text conversation with a trained volunteer who can help with issues such as anxiety, stress, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, abuse, bullying, panic attacks, relationship problems or loneliness.

Reflect is free and does not show up on phone bills

The service is confidential and available 24/7

RELATE Bedfordshire

Relate is the UK’s largest provider of relationship support. They are a local charity serving Bedfordshire and Luton.

Telephone: 01234 356350

Website: www.relatebedsandluton.org.uk


A supportive online community where you can get help with anxiety, stress and depression.

Website: www.elefriends.org.uk

Mayday Trust

Support and help for those suffering with addiction, homelessness and personal transitions.

Telephone: 01234 347061

Website: www.maydaytrust.org.uk

Bedford Counselling and Training

A charity that offers 1:1 counselling on a fee scale.

Telephone: 01234 219905

Email: enquiries@bcat-team.org.uk

Website: www.bcat-team.org.uk

Bedford Open Door

A counselling service for 13-17 year olds with mild to moderate depression.

Telephone: 01234 360388

Email: counselling@bedfordopendoor.org.uk

Website: www.bedfordopendoor.org.uk 


Mental Health peer support.

Telephone: 01582 797596

Email: enquiries@impactmh.org.uk

Website: www.impactmh.org.uk

Just Turn Up

The ‘Just Turn Up’ programme is a localised project to help deliver affordable community based activities in and around the most deprived wards in the Borough of Bedford.

Website: www.bedford.gov.uk

Mindful Sport

Extra activities will be featured at a popular project in Bedford designed to help the public improve their wellbeing through physical activity.

Telephone: 01234 718825

Email: robert.lindsay@bedford.gov.uk

Website: www.elft.nhs.uk


A Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Service for Children and Young People.

Telephone: 01525 863924

Email: gill.kendall@chums.uk.com

Website: chums.uk.com


Support for families and children who are affected by domestic abuse.

Telephone: 01234 270601

Website: www.facesbedford.org


Path to Recovery

P2R is a one stop service which provides advice, treatment and support to people whose lives are affected by drug or alcohol use.

Website: www.elft.nhs.uk


Rethink provide expert, accredited advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems.

Telephone: 03005 000927

Website: www.rethink.org

Email: info@rethink.org

Steady and Social

Stay active in later life with a gentle ta-chi class where you can also socialise with your peers.

Website: www.bedford.gov.uk

Support Line

Confidential emotional support for children, young people and adults.

Website: www.supportline.org.uk


Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

Telephone: 03001 233393

Website: www.mind.org.uk

Mind Crisis Support

Open 365 days a year, 17:00-23:00 at Florence Ball House.

Drop-in to speak to a mental health professional face to face.

Website: www.mind-blmk.org.uk/crisis-support

Amicus Trust

A charity that supports and helped homeless people.

Telephone: 01234 358478

Email: info@amicustrust.org

Website: www.amicustrust.org

Head Meds

Information and advice about medications for mental health issues.

Website: www.headmeds.org.uk

Psychological Health Apps


Stress and Anxiety Companion

Catch It

Calm Harm

Bedford Integrated Service

The integrated health centre offers a counselling service to anyone of any age.

Telephone: 07549 536770

Email: wendymeniru@gmail.com

Website: www.bedfordintegrativehealth.co.uk

Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service

The service offers a range of free and confidential talking therapies and specialist support to help you feel better.

Telephone: 01234 880400

Website: www.bedfordshirewellbeingservice.nhs.uk

Q-Youth Bedford

Support for 13-18 Year olds who identify as LGBTQ.

Email: qyouthbedford@qalliance.org.uk

Facebook: Q-Youth Bedford

Recovery College

The Recovery College is part of the Bedforshire and Luton Mental Health Academy. The educational workshops and courses they offer all focus on recovery and wellbeing. They are mainly designed and delivered in partnership with people with lived and professional experience, as co-production is a key element in their services.

Please read their current Prospectus, which lists all of the courses they are currently running and has information on how to join one.

Recovery College Prospectus, Autumn 2020

Heads Up

Heads Up website offers online ‘check ups’, a toolkit of resources, case studies from local men and celebrities telling their stories, a section encouraging partner and friends to look out for their man and tips on how to stay well.

There are also links to local and national support and information groups.

Website: thisisheads-up.uk

Counselling Foundation

Offers 1:1 counselling for those who need it.

Telephone: 01234 346077

Email: bedford@counsellingfoundation.org

Website: www.counsellingfoundation.org

Road Victims Trust

The Road Victims Trust is a registered charity offering a range of free support services to residents of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire who have been affected by fatal road collisions.

Website: www.rvtrust.org.uk

King’s Arms Project

Support for rough sleepers including outreach workers for communities.

Telephone: 01234 340544

Email: info@kingsarmsproject.org

Website: www.kingsarmsproject.org


Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Telephone: 116 123

Website: www.samaritans.org

Email: jo@samaritans.org

Young Minds

Support for children and young persons who are suffering from depression and anxiety.

Website: www.youngminds.org.uk


Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services.

Website: www.icash.nhs.uk


Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.

Website: www.brook.org.uk

Sexual Health Help Line

The Family Planning Association Sexual health help line can give you confidential information and advice.

Telephone: 08451 228690

Family Planning Association

They are a sexual health charity. They give straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.

Telephone: 03001 237123

Website: www.fpa.org.uk

Your Wellbeing Bedfordshire

Do you want to improve your quality of life and overall wellbeing?

Do you need support and advice to deal with your problems?

Do you sometimes feel isolated and lonely?

Social Prescribing helps people connect with services, support and activities in the local community to improve your health and wellbeing.

Telephone: 01234 832612

Website: www.yourwellbeingbedfordshire.org.uk

Sports Sessions at Home – Bedford Borough Council

A wide range of options of activities with varying times to participate. Classes include ChairYoga, TaiChi, Meditation and gentle exercise.

Website: www.bedfordsportlive.crd.co

Recovery College – Introduction to Health and Wellbeing

A 13 week bite size course covering topics such as building confidence, sleep, anxiety, depression and motivation. Sessions start in August through to November and you can dip into any or all of the sessions.

Telephone: 01234 263621

Email: elft.recoverycollege@nhs.net

Website: www.elft.nhs.uk – Bedfordshire and Luton Recovery College


Bedford Borough’s Local Offer website sets out information about services and support available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) who are aged 0 to 25. The information describes what is on offer from education, health, leisure and social care services for those with SEND and their parents/carers.

You will also find information about childcare settings, childminders and early help support for all families.

Website: www.localoffer.bedford.gov.uk

Twitter: twitter.com/Bedfordlocalof1

Facebook: www.facebook.com/BBLocalOffer

SEND Newsletter July

You can read the official newsletter of SEND related issues in Bedford Borough for July by clicking the link below.

SEND Matters July

Smokefree Bedfordshire

Support and services to help you lead a smoke free life.

Website: www.smokefreebedfordshire.co.uk


NHS Smokefree – Mobile App

The Smokefree app can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation. If you stay smokefree for the 4-week programme you’re up to five times more likely to stay quit for good.

Download from: Google Play: NHS Smokefree

Download from: iTunes: NHS Smokefree

Quit with help

Everyone has a different reason for quitting, get a personalised Quit Smoking Plan.

Website: www.quitwithhelp.co.uk

TalkHealth Partnership

Find out more about health issues, visit TalkHealth hubs, online clinics and forums.

Facebook: @talkhealthpartnership

Twitter: @talkhealth

Website: www.talkhealthpartnership.com

MoreLife Services

Helping you to get healthy, MoreLife Services run many programmes designed to help you and your family make small changes which make a big difference.

Website: www.more-life.co.uk/bedford

One You Couch to 5K – Mobile App

The Couch to 5K app has been designed to get you off the couch and running in just 9 weeks. Grab your trainers, download the app and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Download from: Google Play: One You Couch to

Download from: iTunes: One You Couch to

One You Easy Meals – Mobile App

The free Easy Meals app is a great way to eat foods that are healthier for you. You’ll find delicious, easy meal ideas to help get you going if you’re ever short of inspiration.

Download from: Google Play: One You Easy Meals

Download from: iTunes: One You Easy Meals

Weight Watchers

Meetings, Online or a little bit of both. We’ve got options and support, whatever your lifestyle.

Website: www.weightwatchers.com

Walk 4 Health

Walk 4 Health Bedfordshire, co-ordinated by Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity, covers the Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough areas of the county.

There are currently around 40 different walk programmes operating under this scheme; most of these are weekly walks though some are fortnightly. Most of their walks are ‘circular’, with various shortcuts available, and routes timings range from around 10 minutes to 90 minutes.

Telephone: 07590 558275 

Slimming World

You’ll find delicious recipe and menu ideas at your local group, along with all the help you need to get started and reach your target weight.

Website: www.slimmingworld.co.uk

Am I a Healthy Weight?

Calculation your BMI using this NHS Choices Tool

Website: NHS: BMI Calculator


A charity which supports limbless veterans (amputees or paralysis). They give practical advice and personal service – a member will come out to see the veteran needing assistance. They provide guidance and help.

Telephone: 01480 469216

Website: blesma.org

Combat Stress

Combat Stress is the UK’s leading veterans’ mental health charity. They treat a range of mental health conditions including PTSD, depression and anxiety. They also help with alcoholism.

Telephone: 08001 381619

Website: www.combatstress.org.uk

Hidden Wounds

A psychological well being service for veterans & families; part of help for heroes. Hidden Wounds provides free and confidential support to Ex-Service Personnel, their families and the families of those still serving, who are living with anxiety, depression, stress, anger or who wish to change their drinking habits.

Telephone: 08082 020144

Website: www.helpforheroes.org.uk/hidden-wounds/


SSAFA – Bedfordshire

SSAFA provides lifelong support to anyone who is currently serving or has ever served in the Royal Navy, British Army or Royal Air Force.

Telephone: 08005 003063

Email:  bedfordshire@ssafa.org.uk

Website: www.ssafa.org.uk

Burma Star Association

The Burma Star Association exists to relieve need, hardship or distress among men and women who served in HM and Allied Forces or the Nursing Services in the Burma Campaign of the 1939-45 war or are otherwise entitled to be holders of the Burma Star or Pacific Star with Burma Clasp and for their widows, widowers or dependants.

Website: www.burmastar.org.uk

Help for Heroes – Big White Wall

Free to all UK serving personnel, veterans and their families, Big White Wall is a safe online community of people who are anxious, down or not coping who support and help each other by sharing what’s troubling them, guided by trained professionals.

Website: www.bigwhitewall.com

The Ripple Pond

Peer-led, self-help groups meet regularly with the main aim of providing a space to express feelings safely, in a non-judgemental environment, ​​where ​​everyone can be heard. The groups are here for parents, spouses, siblings – indeed any adult family member of a veteran or a UK serving personnel who feels they would like support.

Website: www.theripplepond.org

Walking with the Wounded – Head Start

Walking With The Wounded supports a pathway for vulnerable veterans to re-integrate back into society and sustain their independence. At the heart of this journey is employment. It is like an IAPT service but for veterans, with virtually no waiting time – up to 12 sessions of face to face counselling.

Website: www.walkingwiththewounded.org.uk

GP Services for Young People

A useful guide to accessing GP services for young people, aged 13 – 16 years old.

NHS Young Person Guide

Check out the Shiny Mind app, here.